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The Significance and Utilization of the Jungwon Historical and Cultural Area  

SEONG, Jeongyong (Dept. of Archaeology Art History, Chungbuk National University)
YANG, Sieun (Dept. of Archaeology Art History, Chungbuk National University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science / v.54, no.3, 2021 , pp. 204-227 More about this Journal
This paper proposed the validity and necessity of establishing the Jungwon Historical and Cultural Area by reviewing the historical characteristics of the name Jungwon and its temporal and spatial range. We also explored ways to utilize the Jungwon historical and cultural Area under the Special Act on the Maintenance of Historical and Cultural Areas. Jungwon, which means the center of the country, has strategic value as a key area connecting the Korean Peninsula to the north and south through the Geripryeong and Jukryeong. It also includes Chungju, which connects the Namhan and Bukhan Rivers . From the Mahan period, the areas of Cheongju and Jincheon, the Miho Stream basin to the west, and Chungju to the east were closely connected to each other. Afterwards, Baekje, Koguryo, and Silla engaged in a fierce battle to occupy the Jungwon area. Jungwon culture was born through the negotiation and fusion of the cultures of the three kingdoms. In particular, Silla continued to value the Jungwon area, demonstrated by the installation of Seowongyeong in Cheongju and Bukwongyeong in Wonju, centering on the Jungwongyeong. Since we have a historical view with a focus on ancient kingdoms, we have overlooked the full value of the history and culture of Jungwon. We need to recognize the importance of Jungwon area and think about how to utilize it. Therefore, we suggested in this paper that there be more public information services on the cultural heritage of Jungwon, the historical heritage experience, and the education programs for local residents. The development and operation of Jungwon's history, culture, and tourism contents, as well as the various academic research papers should be used to reveal the identity of the Jungwon historical and cultural area.
Jungwon Historical and Cultural Area; Jungwon; Historical and Cultural Area; Jungwongyeong; Utilization;
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  • Reference
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