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A Study on the Improvement of the Distribution System for International Academic Information Resources in Korea  

Kwack, Dong-Chul (청주대학교 문헌정보학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / v.52, no.3, 2018 , pp. 121-147 More about this Journal
Academic libraries in Korea have had more and more troubles in management due to the drastic increase in quantities and budgets for purchasing expensive international academic information resources. In this research, with a focus on the international electronic information resources, an attempt is made to overcome such difficulties in management of academic libraries in the following steps: First, the amount of budgets for purchasing resources and building collections for academic libraries is analyzed; Second, the current state of academic library consortia, both domestic and foreign, is reviewed; Third, the current administrative issues and strategic directions of domestic academic library consortia, including the KESLI Consortium of KISTI, ACE Consortium of KERIS, and Consortium of Korean Council for University Educations, are examined; and Fourth, based on the above collected information, a proposal is made to improve the collection and distribution system for international academic information resources in Korea.
Academic Library; International Academic Information Resources; Library Policy; Library Consortia; Open Access; e-Resources;
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