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A Bibliographical Study on JeongSa-Gongsin-Nokgwon  

Jin, Na-Young (중앙대학교 일반대학원 문헌정보학과)
Song, Il-Gie (중앙대학교 문헌정보학과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / v.47, no.3, 2013 , pp. 227-250 More about this Journal
Jeongsa-gongshin-nokgwon (定社功臣錄券) is a document issued during the reign of King Taejong. The king appointed the vassals of merit who suppressed the First Rebel of Prince in 1398 as Jeongsa-gongshin (定社功臣) and gave them titles and rewards as described in the Jeongsa-gongshin-nokgwon document. This study explores the reasons and process of the rewards given to the vassals by way of the existing copy of Jeongsa-gongshin-nokgwon. The form and organization of the document were analyzed in detail. The titles given to the vassals were classified into each grade and their characteristics were sought. The content of the document was also analyzed in detail. The result of the study suggested the following. Jeongsa-gongshin-nokgwon is a manuscript and it consists of 3 parts: introduction (卷首), main text (本文), and ending (卷末). Names and titles given to 29 vassals of merit are listed of which 12 vassals were first grade and 17 vassals were second grade. The ranks of first-grade vassals of merit were higher than the ranks of second-grade vassals of merit. In the first-grade vassals of merit, there were relatively more relatives of the king. The rewards and privileges given to them were different, depending on their grade. The content of regulation was also different within the same grade, depending on the person. The formation and names of government officers, who worked in the temporary office in charge of rewards to the vassals of merit (Gongshin-dogam, 功臣都監), were verified by the approval signatures and last names found in Jeongsa-gongshin-nokgwon.
Jeongsa-gongshin-nokgwon; Jeongsa-gongshin; the First Rebel of Prince in 1398;
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  • Reference
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