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First Reliable Record of the Red Pipefish Festucalex erythraeus (Syngnathidae: Perciformes) from Korea  

Lee, Jae-Hwan (Department of Marine Biology, Pukyong National University)
Kim, Jin-Koo (Department of Marine Biology, Pukyong National University)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences / v.53, no.5, 2020 , pp. 784-789 More about this Journal
A single specimen of Festucalex erythraeus, belonging to the family Syngnathidae, was first collected from Seogwipo, Korea, on August 12, 2019. This species is characterized by a low median dorsal snout ridge, and a lateral trunk ridge extending to the last trunk ring. Festucalex erythraeus is similar to the congeneric species, F. rufus: however, it is distinguished by the number of tail rings (32-37 in F. erythraeus vs. 31 in F. rufus). Here, we suggest the new Korean names "Min-sil-go-gi-sog" for the genus Festucalex and "Deung-huin-jeom-sil-go-gi" for the species F. erythraeus.
Festucalex erythraeus; First record; Syngnathidae;
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  • Reference
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