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Population Structure of Liparis tanakae (PISCES, Liparidae) from Korea Based on Morphological and Molecular Traits  

Myoung, Se Hun (Department of Marine Biology, Pukyong National University)
Ban, Tae-Woo (Institute of Marine Biological Resources)
Kim, Jin-Koo (Department of Marine Biology, Pukyong National University)
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Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences / v.49, no.2, 2016 , pp. 198-207 More about this Journal
Tanaka’s snailfish, Liparis tanakae (Gilbert and Burke, 1912), is distributed throughout the coasts of Korea. To clarify the population structure of L. tanakae, we analyzed the morphological and genetic variation among individuals sampled from three localities surrounding the Korean peninsula: Boryeong in the Yellow Sea, Jinhae in the Korea Strait and Pohang in the East Sea. Principal component analysis based on 20 morphometric characteristics revealed two slightly distinct groups (Boryeong vs. Jinhae and Pohang). However, canonical discriminant analysis clearly revealed three groups, separated according to locality. Pairwise differentiation index (FST) comparisons based on 762-base pairs mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences showed that Boryeong significantly differed from Jinhae and Pohang, but Jinhae and Pohang did not significantly differ from each other. Our findings suggest that Korean L. tanakae comprise at least two groups. Further studies using more sensitive DNA markers, such as microsatellite DNA, are required.
Liparis tanakae; Tanaka’ s snailfish; Population; mtDNA; Morphometric analysis;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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