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Spatial Variations in the Catch of Billfishes in the Pacific Ocean and Factors Affecting Annual Changes in the Catch  

Yoo, Joon-Taek (National Fisheries Research and Development Institute)
Hwang, Seon-Jae (National Fisheries Research and Development Institute)
An, Doo-Hae (National Fisheries Research and Development Institute)
Publication Information
Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences / v.42, no.6, 2009 , pp. 695-702 More about this Journal
This study includes spatial variations in the catch of billfishes in the Pacific Ocean and examines factors affecting interannual changes in the catch. Main billfish species caught by Korean tuna longline fishery were blue marlin and swordfish. A main fishing ground of the species was the tropical Pacific Ocean, while additional fishing ground of billfishes tended to be formed in the Pacific coast of Mexico in the El Nino periods. Further, the catch of billfishes was significantly related to CPUE (tons/average of the used hooks/vessel) in the entire Pacific Ocean as an index of stock abundance and equatorial SOI (EQSOI) as an index of El Nino event. Annual changes in the catch of billfishes in the Pacific Ocean could be regulated mainly by variations of stock abundance. In addition, increase of the density of billfishes in the tropical Pacific and additional formation of fishing ground by El Nino event possibly contribute to increase of the catch of billfishes in the Pacific Ocean. On the other hand, linear regression model may be more adequate in the analysis of relationships between fisheries data and indices made from using some environmental factors.
Billfishes; CPUE; Equatorial SOI; Pacific Ocean; Regression;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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