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Reconsideration of the Teaching Contents and Methods of the Unit Fraction  

Lee, Daehyun (Dept. of Math. Edu., Gwangju National Univ. of Edu.)
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Journal for History of Mathematics / v.34, no.4, 2021 , pp. 117-136 More about this Journal
The unit fraction is the basis of the fraction concept and has a role of starting point for understanding the fraction concept. In this study, in terms of the importance of the unit fraction, the teaching methods of the fraction based on the unit fraction were explored. First, it was examined the emerging contexts of the fraction concept and the diversity of its meanings. Second, it was investigated the contents of the unit fraction in Korean and CCSSM's curriculum and textbooks. Lastly, I suggested the teaching methods using the unit fraction in terms of the introduction of fraction, fractional operations, and teaching of problem solving based on the unit fraction.
Unit Fraction; Fraction; Textbook; Curriculum;
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