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A Comparative Study on Euclid's Elements and Pardies' Elements  

Chang, Hyewon (Dept. of Math. Edu., Seoul National Univ. of Edu.)
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Journal for History of Mathematics / v.33, no.1, 2020 , pp. 33-53 More about this Journal
Euclid's Elements has been considered as the stereotype of logical and deductive approach to mathematics in the history of mathematics. Nonetheless, it has been criticized by its dryness and difficulties for learning. It is worthwhile to noticing mathematicians' struggle for providing some alternatives to Euclid's Elements. One of these alternatives was written by a French scientist, Pardies who called it 'Elemens de Geometrie ou par une methode courte & aisee l'on peut apprendre ce qu'il faut scavoir d'Euclide, d'Archimede, d'Apllonius & les plus belles inventions des anciens & des nouveaux Geometres.' A precedent research presented its historical meaning in traditional mathematics of China and Joseon as well as its didactical meaning in mathematics education with the overview of this book. However, it has a limitation that there isn't elaborate comparison between Euclid's and Pardies'in the aspects of contents as well as the approaching method. This evokes the curiosity enough to encourage this research. So, this research aims to compare Pardies' Elements and Euclid's Elements. Which propositions Pardies selected from Euclid's Elements? How were they restructured in Pardies' Elements? Responding these questions, the researcher confirmed his easy method of learning geometry intended by Pardies.
Pardies'Elements of geometry; Euclid's Elements of geometry; comparative study; logic and intuition;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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