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Chinese Mathematics in Chosun  

Lee, Chang Koo (Department of Mathematics, Hanyang University)
Hong, Sung Sa (Department of Mathematics, Sogang University)
Publication Information
Journal for History of Mathematics / v.26, no.1, 2013 , pp. 1-9 More about this Journal
It is well known that the development of mathematics in eastern Asia was based on Chinese mathematics. Investigating Chinese mathematics books that were brought into Chosun, we study how Chinese mathematics influenced Chosun mathematics. Chinese mathematics books were brought into Chosun in three stages, namely basic mathematics books in the era of King SeJong(1397-1450), Chinese mathematics books influenced by western mathematics in the 17th century and finally those with commentaries on mathematics of Song-Yuan era in the 19th century. We also study the process of their importations.
Chosun mathematics; Chinese mathematics books in Chosun; King SeJong; Chosun mathematics in the 18th and 19th centuries influenced by Chinese mathematics books;
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  • Reference
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