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Three body problem in early 20th century  

Lee, Ho Joong (Department of Basic Science, Hong Ik University)
Publication Information
Journal for History of Mathematics / v.25, no.4, 2012 , pp. 53-67 More about this Journal
Today, it is necessary to calculate orbits with high accuracy in space flight. The key words of Poincar$\acute{e}$ in celestial mechanics are periodic solutions, invariant integrals, asymptotic solutions, characteristic exponents and the non existence of new single-valued integrals. Poincar$\acute{e}$ define an invariant integral of the system as the form which maintains a constant value at all time $t$, where the integration is taken over the arc of a curve and $Y_i$ are some functions of $x$, and extend 2 dimension and 3 dimension. Eigenvalues are classified as the form of trajectories, as corresponding to nodes, foci, saddle points and center. In periodic solutions, the stability of periodic solutions is dependent on the properties of their characteristic exponents. Poincar$\acute{e}$ called bifurcation that is the possibility of existence of chaotic orbit in planetary motion. Existence of near exceptional trajectories as Hadamard's accounts, says that there are probabilistic orbits. In this context we study the eigenvalue problem in early 20th century in three body problem by analyzing the works of Darwin, Bruns, Gyld$\acute{e}$n, Sundman, Hill, Lyapunov, Birkhoff, Painlev$\acute{e}$ and Hadamard.
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  • Reference
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