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Freudenthal and ICMI  

Kim, Sung-Sook (Department of Applied Mathematics, paichai University)
Khang, Mee-Kyung (Department of Applied Mathematics, paichai University)
Publication Information
Journal for History of Mathematics / v.24, no.4, 2011 , pp. 87-96 More about this Journal
Hans Freudenthal made important contributions to algebraic topology and geometry. He also made significant contributions in history of mathematics and mathematics education. In the 1970s, his intervention prevented the Netherlands from the movement of "new math". He had a very important role as a founder of realistic mathematics education and became famous internationally by that. Because he raised the profile of ICMI strongly, Bass used the expression 'Freudenthal Era' for the period that Freudenthal was the president of ICMI. Now many mathematics educator agree to use the Freudenthal Era when they mention about the history of ICMI. In this paper, we present on the life of Freudenthal and his contributions for mathematics education, especially ICMI.
Freudenthal; History of ICMI; mathematics education; ICMI; ICME;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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