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On application of Vygotsky's theory in math education for gifted students  

Hong, Jin-Kon (Department of Mathematics Education, Konkuk University)
Kang, Eun-Joo (Department of Mathematics Education, Konkuk University)
Publication Information
Journal for History of Mathematics / v.24, no.4, 2011 , pp. 181-200 More about this Journal
The focus of gifted education program for math should not only be on how to select gifted students but also on how to magnify students' potential ability. This thesis supports Vygotsky's view, which provides an insight into gifted education field as an 'acquired giftedness' theory. The issues in this thesis suggest proper classroom models for current gifted education program together with moderate classroom atmosphere and optimum role of teachers.
Vygotsky; gifted education for math; potential ability; role of teachers;
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