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The analysis of gender difference on mathematics achievement after learning using CAS on mathematics underachiever  

Kim, In-Kyung (Department of Mathematics Education, Cheongju University)
Publication Information
Journal for History of Mathematics / v.24, no.4, 2011 , pp. 157-180 More about this Journal
This paper analyzed about gender difference in the achievement of underachievers of high school students while learning using technology. Participants were composed of 67 underachievers on first grade in high school located in a metropolitan city. That had never used a mathematics educational calculator before. Target participants were divided into two groups: experiment group that studied activity papers with a CAS calculator. And control group that studied the same activity papers using only paper-and-pencil. The content of the activity papers for the two groups was the same, but the structure differed. The two groups completed mathematics achievement tests both before and after the activity papers. The results are that find out no difference of the mathematics achievement between boys and girls in each group, and that the mathematics achievement of boys in experiment group are better than one of boys in control group, and also girls.
gender difference; CAS calculator; mathematics underachiever; mathematics achievement;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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