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The Study for the Various Methods for the Volume of Frustum of Pyramid  

Yoon, Dae-Won (Gyeongsang National University and RINS)
Kim, Dong-Keun (Chunggu High School)
Publication Information
Journal for History of Mathematics / v.23, no.3, 2010 , pp. 91-106 More about this Journal
This is the study for various methods for getting the volume of frustum of pyramid. This study will first deal with how the formula of getting the volume of frustum of pyramid has been changed in the history of Mathematics. Secondly, based on the study of 'Prasolov' this study will deal with the calculation method for the volume of frustum of pyramid which was written in the 14th question of 'Moscow Papyrus' and search for the rules of solution for frustum of pyramid in the middle school textbooks. Finally, this study will consider various solutions for the volume of frustum of pyramid and its generalization.
History of mathematics; Simpson's formula; Generalization;
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  • Reference
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10 08Moscow%20Papyrus.pdf