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Motion Sickness Measurement and Analysis in Virtual Reality using Deep Neural Networks Algorithm  

Jeong, Daekyo (Sejong University)
Yoo, Sangbong (Sejong University)
Jang, Yun (Sejong University)
Cybersickness is a symptom of dizziness that occurs while experiencing Virtual Reality (VR) technology and it is presumed to occur mainly by crosstalk between the sensory and cognitive systems. However, since the sensory and cognitive systems cannot be measured objectively, it is difficult to measure cybersickness. Therefore, methodologies for measuring cybersickness have been studied in various ways. Traditional studies have collected answers to questionnaires or analyzed EEG data using machine learning algorithms. However, the system relying on the questionnaires lacks objectivity, and it is difficult to obtain highly accurate measurements with the machine learning algorithms. In this work, we apply Deep Neural Network (DNN) deep learning algorithm for objective cybersickness measurement from EEG data. We also propose a data preprocessing for learning and network structures allowing us to achieve high performance when learning EEG data with the deep learning algorithms. Our approach provides cybersickness measurement with an accuracy up to 98.88%. Besides, we analyze video characteristics where cybersickness occurs by examining the video segments causing cybersickness in the experiments. We discover that cybersickness happens even in unusually persistent changes in the darkness such as the light in a room keeps switching on and off.
Virtual Reality (VR); Cybersickness; EEG; Deep Learning;
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