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Dragging Body Parts in 3D Space to Direct Animated Characters  

Lee, Kang Hoon (Dept. of Computer Science, Kwangwoon University)
Choi, Myung Geol (Dept. of Media Technology and Media Contents, The Catholic University of Korea)
We present a new interactive technique for directing the motion sequences of an animated character by dragging its specific body part to a desired location in the three-dimensional virtual environment via a hand motion tracking device. The motion sequences of our character is synthesized by reordering subsequences of captured motion data based on a well-known graph representation. For each new input location, our system samples the space of possible future states by unrolling the graph into a spatial search tree, and retrieves one of the states at which the dragged body part of the character gets closer to the input location. We minimize the difference between each pair of successively retrieved states, so that the user is able to anticipate which states will be found by varying the input location, and resultantly, to quickly reach the desired states. The usefulness of our method is demonstrated through experiments with breakdance, boxing, and basketball motion data.
computer animation; interactive technique; motion capture data; three-dimensional input;
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