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Effect of reflection on learning in computer education courses  

Heo, Heeok (순천대학교 사범대학 컴퓨터교육과)
Kang, Euisung (순천대학교 사범대학 컴퓨터교육과)
So, Wonho (순천대학교 사범대학 컴퓨터교육과)
Publication Information
The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education / v.19, no.5, 2016 , pp. 11-25 More about this Journal
This study aims to investigate the effect of reflection on learning outcomes in higher education. Undergraduates enrolled in 3 courses about computer education were involved in the study. They wrote reflective notes with guided questions over six times throughout a semester, and then their task value, learning engagement and academic achievement were measured followed by a survey and interviews to investigate students' responses. As a result, positive influence of the reflective activities was found in cognitive, behavioral and emotional learning engagement and learning achievement. For further studies, the development of reflective strategies for learning motivation and collaborative reflection was suggested.
Reflection; Task value; Learning engagement; Computer science;
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  • Reference
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