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A study on the characteristics of 3rd grade teachers in charge in middle school affecting their students'decision to enter specialized high school - around the Daejon metropolitan area  

Kim, Dasol (Daejeon Samirae Middle School)
Choi, Wonsik (Chungnam National University)
Publication Information
대한공업교육학회지 / v.45, no.1, 2020 , pp. 84-102 More about this Journal
During the period of rapid industrial growth, specialized high schools were important vocational education institutions trained specialists and technicians. But now, specialized high schools turned into high schools where the low-ranking students who were pushed out of the competition for admission due to a decline in the education population, changes mostly in labor demand in the labor market, and discrimination against skilled workers. In order to solve this problem, the middle school 3rd grade teachers in charge of the middle school can provide early career guidance, so that they can decide to go to the specialized high school according to their aptitude and talent rather than their grades. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between general characteristics and perception of middle school 3rd grade teachers, and the rate of decision to enter specialized high school. In 2018, The middle school 3rd grade teachers in charge in Daejeon metropolitan city were selected. The results of this study were as follows: When 3rd grade teachers in charge are the male teachers 21.01%(M=.2101) of their students go to specialized high schools. When they are teachers who have not graduated from college of education(M=.2110), with doctoral degree(M=0.3064), of their students go to specialized hight schools. Finally, there was a significant positive relationship between perceptions of high school teachers (β1 = .245, p = .000) and high school graduates (β2 = .149, p = .027). The regression equation derived from this is y = -0.56 + 0.037 * β1 + 0.025 * β2 10.1% (R2 = 0.101).
Specialized high school; teacher in charge; advance decision; career guidance;
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  • Reference
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