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Educational Needs of the Core Competencies for Low-Carrier Technology Teachers  

Choi, Yuhyun (충남대학교)
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대한공업교육학회지 / v.44, no.1, 2019 , pp. 209-231 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was to extract the factors of core competency required for technology teachers and to analyze the educational needs for extracted core competency factors and to search for the application of core competencies in the in-service technology teachers education. This study was conducted by literature review, expert validation, and needs assessment method. The survey was conducted by 92 low-carrier technology teachers who participated in in-service technology teachers education for upgrading to first grade teacher certificate. Data were analyzed the factor analysis, needs assessment, and IPA analysis using SPSS 24. The core competencies with high education needs were selected by the score of the Borich formula and the IPA analysis. As a result of the study, 29 factors of core competencies were chosen as the priority: challenge, planning ability, decision making ability, future orientation, intellectual property utilization ability, communication ability, and creative thinking etc. Based on the conclusions of this study, I would suggest the following. It is to create a new in-service education program reflected on core competencies that have high educational needs of low-carrier technology teachers. In addition, a strategy that reflects core competencies methodically in existing in-service teachers education program is needed. Future research should be followed by research on curriculum design to enhance high needed core competencies of low-carrier technology teachers.
Educational Needs; Core Competency; Low-Carrier Technology Teachers;
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  • Reference
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