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Career decision status type analysis of specialized technical high school students  

Lim, Nhayoung (Chungnam National University)
Lee, Chang-Hoon (Chungnam National University)
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대한공업교육학회지 / v.40, no.1, 2015 , pp. 40-63 More about this Journal
The purpose of this research is to identify internal and external factors that affect specialized technical high school students' career decision status. It then uses career decision types to predict the variables which have the impact on emotional aspects of specialized technical high school student who feel comfortable or uncomfortable after career decision in order to help specialized technical high school students choose their career. The subject of this study consist a total of 809 male and female students attending specialized technical high school located in South Korea. Data were analyzed to investigate the types of career decision status of specialized technical high school students using the SPSS 21.0 program. The results obtained through the study were as follows. Types of career decision status of specialized technical high school students were divided into four groups based on career decision status and types of emotional state. Results showed the decision-comfort(51.3%), decision-discomfort(25.6%), indecision- discomfort(15.3%), indecision-comfort(1.3%) in order. Social support were selected as variables affecting the comfort and discomfort of two groups and the determining factor which distinguished four groups. Result of the analysis showed that social support has statistically significant impact on whether it was decision or not and comfort or not. But career decision-making self-efficacy has no big impact on career decision types. Taking all results of this study together, we can see that specialized technical high school students feel comfortable and they decide the career, but still many students feel uncomfortable on their decision after deciding their career. It suggests the need of development and operation of program about emotional status of career decision which can help specialized technical high school students prepare their career comfortably after they decide on the career, and the need of segmented career counseling approach including social support group.
specialized technical high school; career; social support; Career decision status type;
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  • Reference
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