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A study on the Correlation between Key Competencies and Teacher Efficacy of Pre-service Industrial Teachers  

Lee, Kyu-Nyo (Chungnam National University)
Kim, So-Yeon (Chungnam National University)
Park, Ki-Moon (Engineering Education Innovation Center of Chungnam Nat'l Univ.)
Publication Information
대한공업교육학회지 / v.36, no.2, 2011 , pp. 181-199 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to determine the level of key competencies and teacher efficacy of pre-service industrial teachers as related to their personal backgrounds, and to analyze the correlation between personal variables, key competencies and teaching efficacy. This will be provided as basic resources for pre-service teacher training program to improve the understanding of key competencies and teaching efficacy of pre-service industrial teachers. The results of this study are as follows. First, the teacher efficacy of pre-service industrial teachers was found to be above average (M=3.0), and teaching efficacy (M=3.41) was found to be a bit higher than personal teacher efficacy (M=3.28). Upon analyzing the significant differences of teacher efficacy resulting from background variables, it was found that gender and major had no difference while the effect of school year on teaching efficacy of teacher efficacy showed statistically significant differences. Second, the lower regions of key competencies of pre-service industrial teachers all were above the average 3.0. Gender and school year were exhibited no significant difference, and only the global competence of key competencies showed significant difference. Third, it was found that the gender and major of pre-service industrial teachers had no correlation with teacher efficacy and key competencies. On the other hand, school year variable showed significant positive correlation with teacher efficacy (r=.274) and key competencies (r=.168). Lastly, it was found that key competencies and teacher efficacy had positive correlation of r=.475.
teacher efficacy; personal teacher efficacy; teaching efficacy; key competencies; pre-service industrial teachers;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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