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Formative Research on Team-Based Learning Model in a Technical High School Class  

Lee, Young-Min (Sookmyung Women's University)
Nam, Jeong-Kwon (Inha University)
Cho, Hyung-Jeong (Suncheonhyang University)
Lee, Soo-Young (Seoul National University of Education)
Publication Information
대한공업교육학회지 / v.36, no.2, 2011 , pp. 1-23 More about this Journal
The purpose of the study was to investigate the generality and applicability of Team-Based Learning model in a technical high school, based on the interviews with students and a teacher. Team-Based Learning model seems to be an effective way in improving the performance of groups as well as the individualized learning and team interaction. We applied a formative research method and identified the strengths of the model including learners' motivation and interests, learner-centered learning, self-efficacy through learning in advance, and concept acquisition from the repetitive learning process. However, we also found the weakness of the model including impracticality of instructional design, a lack of field-oriented problem banks, and needs for identifying learner characteristics and role in instruction. Finally, we analyzed the implications for the Team-Based Learning in the technical high schools in light of team formation, discussion types, active participation, and learners' prior knowledge and attitude, and pre-determined instructional design.
Team-Based Learning; Formative Research; instructional model;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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