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The Effects of Algorithm Learning with Squeak Etoys on Middle School Students' Problem Solving Ability  

Jeoung, MiYeoun (Jechon Commercial High School)
Lee, EunKyoung (Dept. of Computer Education, Korea National University of Education)
Lee, YoungJun (Dept. of Computer Education, Korea National University of Education)
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대한공업교육학회지 / v.33, no.2, 2008 , pp. 170-191 More about this Journal
Many former researchers demonstrated that algorithm learning has a positive outcome on students' problem-solving abilities. One of the methods for algorithm learning, the 'programming learning' method is highly effective. However, there are numerous constraints in schools for programming learning. This study attempts to overcome these issues. Squeak Etoys, one of the educational visual programming languages for easy and interesting learning, has been selected as a learning tool. We developed the algorithm-learning curriculum for middle school students. They were divided into a control group and an experimental group. The students learned on the basis of equal curriculum but, they used other learning tools through over a total 6 sessions. The result showed that Squeak Etoys based Algorithm learning has a positive effect on improving middle school learners' problem solving abilities, self-efficacies and logical thinking abilities. Although the students' logical thinking abilities in the experimental group are improved a lot more than the students' abilities in control group, the students' logical think abilities in the both groups are improved. Therefore, algorithm education in secondary schools are necessary. In conclusion, Squeak Etoys based Algorithm learning has a positive effect on problem solving ability and self efficacy. The developed curriculum can be applicable as a basis for study on algorithm learning and educational programming language.
Educational Programming Language; Squeak Etoys; Algorithm Learning; Problem Solving Ability;
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