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A Study on the Educational Needs and the Review of the Validity of the Establishment for Invention Gifted School  

Choi, Yu-Hyun (Chungnam National University)
Kang, Kyoung-Kyoon (Chungnam National University)
Shim, Jae-Young (KAIST Institute Science)
Lee, Han-Gyu (International Intellectual Property Training Institute)
Chung, Ho-Keun (Seoul Po Sung High School)
Lee, Jin-Woo (Daegu Education&Science Research Institute)
Publication Information
대한공업교육학회지 / v.33, no.1, 2008 , pp. 169-190 More about this Journal
The purposes of this research were to review the validity and to investigated educational needs of the establishment for invention gifted school. And this study was conducted on the establishment plan through diagnosis necessity and validity of the establishment for invention gifted school. The methodes of this study were review, investigation researches, workshop, expert review for validity and a seminar. The results was as follows: First, the invention gifted school presented distinctive curriculum and instruction methods. The curriculum focus on engineering, technology, invention, problem solving, and STEM. And it presented scenario on the establishment of invention gifted school from the viewpoint of necessity and distinction. Second, the invention gifted school investigated high-level transition from demand of education of students and their parents. Third, the necessity level was higher than the validity and feasibility with expert assessment. But, before the establishment of the invention gifted school institute will review pre-requirements and hinder factors.
Invention Gifted School; Gifted Education; Invention Education;
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