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Study of investigation the present states of operating teaching and learning methode in relation to vocation inquiry section  

Lee, Yong-Soon (한국직업능력개발원)
Lee, Byung-Wook (한국직업능력개발원)
Bae, Dong-Yoon (부산전자계열 공동실습소)
Publication Information
대한공업교육학회지 / v.30, no.2, 2005 , pp. 23-32 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the actual state of teaching and learning methods which are applied to the vocation inquiry section-related subjects of the College Scholastic Ability Test(CSAT) by the teachers who teach specialized subjects of vocational high schools. In order for us to get the background and feature of establishment in the area of vocation inquiry section of the CSAT, previous studies and literature was analyzed and sample survey on the 600 teachers who teach the vocation inquiry section-related subjects was made. The result of this survey is as shown below; First, the teachers who are in charge of vocation inquiry section-related subjects understand that theory and practice is in the ratio 60.76:39.24 and ratio of theory is higher than that of practice. Second, teaching and learning method which is the most relevant to the vocation inquiry section is in the order of lecture(83.9%), experiment & practice(50.4%), computerized learning(41.1%). Third, teaching and learning method which is the most used by the teachers who are in charge of vocation inquiry section-related subjects is in the order of lecture(85.8%), computerized learning(50.1%), experiment and practice(44.4%). Forth, the most desirable teaching and learning method which the teachers who are in charge of vocation inquiry section for this subject believe is in the order of lecture(62.7%) experience & practice(47.7%), computerized learning(44.4%). In light of this result, even though there were not so much difference among the teaching-learning methods which are the most consistent with the contents of the subject in relation to the vocation inquiry section, the most used teaching-learning method by the teachers who teach vocation inquiry section-related subjects and the most desirable teaching-learning method which the teachers who are in charge of vocation inquiry section believe, the most used teaching-learning method by the teachers who are in charge of the vocation inquiry section is lecture. Therefore, it is necessary for us to reinforce the contents in relation to the practice & experiment so that the experience and application can be accumulated and improved through practice which is the specialty of the course of the study in the vocational high school and various teaching and learning method should be developed in consideration of contents of the subject, capability & quality of the learners and status of a classroom.
vocation inquiry section; college scholastic ability test; teaching-learning methods;
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연도 인용수 순위
  • Reference
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