2 |
Abdelmoumen Anis Bousahla.
Structural Engineering and Mechanics On thermal stability of plates with functionally graded coefficient of thermal expansion /
, 313
Nitin Sharma.
Composite Structures Vibro-acoustic behaviour of shear deformable laminated composite flat panel using BEM and the higher order shear deformation theory /
, 116
Li Li.
Composite Structures Nonlinear bending of a two-dimensionally functionally graded beam /
, 1049
5 |
Ahmed Boukhari.
Structural Engineering and Mechanics An efficient shear deformation theory for wave propagation of functionally graded material plates /
, 837
Helong Wu.
Materials & Design Thermal buckling and postbuckling of functionally graded graphene nanocomposite plates /
, 430
4 |
Fethi Mouaici.
Wind and Structures Effect of porosity on vibrational characteristics of non-homogeneous plates using hyperbolic shear deformation theory /
, 429
Y.S. Joshan.
Composite Structures A new non-polynomial four variable shear deformation theory in axiomatic formulation for hygro-thermo-mechanical analysis of laminated composite plates /
, 685
4 |
Abdelouahed Tounsi.
Structural Engineering and Mechanics A new 3-unknowns non-polynomial plate theory for buckling and vibration of functionally graded sandwich plate /
, 547
F.S. Bayones.
Results in Physics Eigenvalue approach to two dimensional coupled magneto-thermoelasticity in a rotating isotropic medium /
, 2941
1 |
K. Bouakkaz.
Wind and Structures An analytical method for free vibration analysis of functionally graded sandwich beams /
, 59
3 |
Sidi Mohamed El-Hassar.
Geomechanics and Engineering Thermal stability analysis of solar functionally graded plates on elastic foundation using an efficient hyperbolic shear deformation theory /
, 357
2 |
Hassen Ait Atmane.
Steel and Composite Structures A computational shear displacement model for vibrational analysis of functionally graded beams with porosities /
, 369
1 |
Vishesh Ranjan Kar.
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Nonlinear thermomechanical deformation behaviour of P-FGM shallow spherical shell panel /
, 173
Amlan Paul.
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures Free vibration behavior of a thermally post-buckled FG Timoshenko beam under large deflection using a tangent stiffness-based method /
, 1
Nitin Sharma.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science Numerical analysis of acoustic radiation properties of laminated composite flat panel in thermal environment: A higher-order finite-boundary element approach /
, 095440621773586
3 |
Bachir Bouderba.
Structural Engineering and Mechanics Thermal stability of functionally graded sandwich plates using a simple shear deformation theory /
, 397
1 |
Merbouha Barka.
Steel and Composite Structures Thermal post-buckling behavior of imperfect temperature-dependent sandwich FGM plates resting on Pasternak elastic foundation /
, 91
6 |
Abdeljalil Meksi.
Structural Engineering and Mechanics A simple shear deformation theory based on neutral surface position for functionally graded plates resting on Pasternak elastic foundations /
, 1215
6 |
Ali Bouchafa.
Steel and Composite Structures Thermal stresses and deflections of functionally graded sandwich plates using a new refined hyperbolic shear deformation theory /
, 1493
4 |
Abdelbaki Chikh.
Structural Engineering and Mechanics Thermo-mechanical postbuckling of symmetric S-FGM plates resting on Pasternak elastic foundations using hyperbolic shear deformation theory /
, 617
3 |
Salima Abdelbari.
Wind and Structures An efficient and simple shear deformation theory for free vibration of functionally graded rectangular plates on Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundations /
, 329
3 |
Habib Hebali.
Steel and Composite Structures A novel four variable refined plate theory for bending, buckling, and vibration of functionally graded plates /
, 473
5 |
Kada Draiche.
Geomechanics and Engineering A refined theory with stretching effect for the flexure analysis of laminated composite plates /
, 671
6 |
Hamed SafarPour.
The European Physical Journal Plus Influence of various temperature distributions on critical speed and vibrational characteristics of rotating cylindrical microshells with modified lengthscale parameter /
4 |
Amine Zemri.
Structural Engineering and Mechanics A mechanical response of functionally graded nanoscale beam: an assessment of a refined nonlocal shear deformation theory beam theory /
, 693
Mohammad Sharif Zarei.
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials Dynamic buckling of polymer–carbon nanotube–fiber multiphase nanocomposite viscoelastic laminated conical shells in hygrothermal environments /
, 109963621774328
3 |
M. Merazi.
Geomechanics and Engineering A new hyperbolic shear deformation plate theory for static analysis of FGM plate based on neutral surface position /
, 305
6 |
Tawfiq Becheri.
Steel and Composite Structures Buckling of symmetrically laminated plates using nth-order shear deformation theory with curvature effects /
, 1347
6 |
Sihame Ait Yahia.
Structural Engineering and Mechanics Wave propagation in functionally graded plates with porosities using various higher-order shear deformation plate theories /
, 1143
6 |
Fouad Bourada.
Steel and Composite Structures Buckling analysis of isotropic and orthotropic plates using a novel four variable refined plate theory /
, 1287
6 |
D.P. Zhang.
Brazilian Journal of Physics Effect of Longitudinal Magnetic Field on Vibration Characteristics of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in a Viscoelastic Medium /
, 640
3 |
Amlan Paul.
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal Non-linear thermal post-buckling analysis of FGM Timoshenko beam under non-uniform temperature rise across thickness /
, 1608
2 |
Hayat Saidi.
Geomechanics and Engineering A simple hyperbolic shear deformation theory for vibration analysis of thick functionally graded rectangular plates resting on elastic foundations /
, 289
4 |
Slimane Merdaci.
Steel and Composite Structures A novel four variable refined plate theory for laminated composite plates /
, 713
3 |
Riadh Bennai.
Steel and Composite Structures A new higher-order shear and normal deformation theory for functionally graded sandwich beams /
, 521
Mohammad Hadi Hajmohammad.
Composite Structures Earthquake induced dynamic deflection of submerged viscoelastic cylindrical shell reinforced by agglomerated CNTs considering thermal and moisture effects /
, 498
Davood Shahsavari.
Aerospace Science and Technology A novel quasi-3D hyperbolic theory for free vibration of FG plates with porosities resting on Winkler/Pasternak/Kerr foundation /
, 134
2 |
O. Rahmani.
The European Physical Journal Plus Dynamic response of a single-walled carbon nanotube under a moving harmonic load by considering modified nonlocal elasticity theory /
M. Mohammadimehr.
International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials Bending, buckling and vibration analyses of MSGT microcomposite circular-annular sandwich plate under hydro-thermo-magneto-mechanical loadings using DQM /
, 1
Hui-Shen Shen.
Thin-Walled Structures Postbuckling of functionally graded graphene-reinforced composite laminated cylindrical shells subjected to external pressure in thermal environments /
, 151
2 |
Mohammed Sid Ahmed Houari.
Steel and Composite Structures A new simple three-unknown sinusoidal shear deformation theory for functionally graded plates /
, 257
4 |
Youcef Beldjelili.
Smart Structures and Systems Hygro-thermo-mechanical bending of S-FGM plates resting on variable elastic foundations using a four-variable trigonometric plate theory /
, 755
Li Li.
Composite Structures Size-dependent nonlinear vibration of beam-type porous materials with an initial geometrical curvature /
, 1177
F.S. Bayones.
Results in Physics Eigenvalue approach to coupled thermoelasticity in a rotating isotropic medium /
, 7
2 |
Zohra Abdelhak.
Smart Structures and Systems Thermal buckling response of functionally graded sandwich plates with clamped boundary conditions /
, 267
6 |
Lazreg Hadji.
Wind and Structures Bending analysis of FGM plates using a sinusoidal shear deformation theory /
, 543
Moussa Abualnour.
Composite Structures A novel quasi-3D trigonometric plate theory for free vibration analysis of advanced composite plates /
, 688
5 |
Mama Ahouel.
Steel and Composite Structures Size-dependent mechanical behavior of functionally graded trigonometric shear deformable nanobeams including neutral surface position concept /
, 963
1530-7972 |
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials Nonlinear static response analysis of sandwich beams using the Refined Zigzag Theory /
, 109963621879538
11 |
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures Vibration and buckling analysis of a rotary functionally graded piezomagnetic nanoshell embedded in viscoelastic media /
, 2344
1548-0046 |
Particulate Science and Technology Fracture problems, vibration, buckling, and bending analyses of functionally graded materials: A state-of-the-art review including smart FGMS /
, 1
1 |
Journal of Central South University 悬索桥钢–混组合桥面系温度梯度数值模拟及效应研究 /
, 185
8 |
Journal of Thermal Stresses Thermodynamic effect on the bending response of elastic foundation FG plate by using a novel four variable refined plate theory /
, 1042
1757-899X |
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Characterization of the Acoustic Radiation Properties of Laminated and Sandwich Composite Panels in Thermal Environment /
, 012031
3 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal A non-polynomial four variable refined plate theory for free vibration of functionally graded thick rectangular plates on elastic foundation /
, 317
1530-7972 |
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials Smart electrical and magnetic stability analysis of exponentially graded shear deformable three-layered nanoplate based on nonlocal piezo-magneto-elasticity theory /
, 109963621876066
3 |
Advances in materials research : AMR An analytical approach for buckling of functionally graded plates /
, 141
5 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal A new five unknown quasi-3D type HSDT for thermomechanical bending analysis of FGM sandwich plates /
, 975
1 |
Geomechanics & engineering A novel quasi-3D hyperbolic shear deformation theory for functionally graded thick rectangular plates on elastic foundation /
, 9
2 |
Smart structures and systems A nonlocal quasi-3D theory for bending and free flexural vibration behaviors of functionally graded nanobeams /
, 115
1 |
Advances in materials research : AMR Bending and stability analysis of size-dependent compositionally graded Timoshenko nanobeams with porosities /
, 45
3 |
Smart structures and systems Thermal buckling analysis of cross-ply laminated plates using a simplified HSDT /
, 289
4 |
Smart structures and systems Analysis of functionally graded plates using a sinusoidal shear deformation theory /
, 441
1 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal Free vibrations of precast modular steel-concrete composite railway track slabs /
, 113
4 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A novel and simple HSDT for thermal buckling response of functionally graded sandwich plates /
, 401
5 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal Free vibrations of laminated composite plates using a novel four variable refined plate theory /
, 603
6 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A nonlocal zeroth-order shear deformation theory for nonlinear postbuckling of nanobeams /
, 695
6 |
Smart structures and systems Free vibration analysis of embedded nanosize FG plates using a new nonlocal trigonometric shear deformation theory /
, 601
5 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal A new shear deformation plate theory with stretching effect for buckling analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates /
, 569
4 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal An original single variable shear deformation theory for buckling analysis of thick isotropic plates /
, 439
4 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Rotating effects on hygro-mechanical vibration analysis of FG beams based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory /
, 471
5 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A simple analytical approach for thermal buckling of thick functionally graded sandwich plates /
, 585
3 |
Earthquakes and structures An efficient shear deformation theory for wave propagation in functionally graded material beams with porosities /
, 255
3 |
Geomechanics & engineering A four variable refined nth-order shear deformation theory for mechanical and thermal buckling analysis of functionally graded plates /
, 385
3 |
Smart structures and systems Vibration analysis of nonlocal advanced nanobeams in hygro-thermal environment using a new two-unknown trigonometric shear deformation beam theory /
, 369
2 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal A new and simple HSDT for thermal stability analysis of FG sandwich plates /
, 157
2 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A novel simple two-unknown hyperbolic shear deformation theory for functionally graded beams /
, 145
4 |
Smart structures and systems Free vibration of functionally graded plates resting on elastic foundations based on quasi-3D hybrid-type higher order shear deformation theory /
, 509
3 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal An efficient and simple four variable refined plate theory for buckling analysis of functionally graded plates /
, 257
4 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal A novel and simple higher order shear deformation theory for stability and vibration of functionally graded sandwich plate /
, 389
5 |
Earthquakes and structures A simple quasi-3D sinusoidal shear deformation theory with stretching effect for carbon nanotube-reinforced composite beams resting on elastic foundation /
, 509
4 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A new nonlocal trigonometric shear deformation theory for thermal buckling analysis of embedded nanosize FG plates /
, 391
4 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Vibration analysis of micro composite thin beam based on modified couple stress /
, 403
6 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A new quasi-3D HSDT for buckling and vibration of FG plate /
, 737
6 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal An efficient hyperbolic shear deformation theory for bending, buckling and free vibration of FGM sandwich plates with various boundary conditions /
, 693
6 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal A new simple three-unknown shear deformation theory for bending analysis of FG plates resting on elastic foundations /
, 717
6 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal An original HSDT for free vibration analysis of functionally graded plates /
, 735
5 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Post-buckling analysis of shear-deformable composite beams using a novel simple two-unknown beam theory /
, 621
1 |
Advances in materials research : AMR Thermal stability analysis of temperature dependent inhomogeneous size-dependent nano-scale beams /
, 1
6 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Wave dispersion characteristics of nonlocal strain gradient double-layered graphene sheets in hygro-thermal environments /
, 645
4 |
Smart structures and systems A novel shear deformation theory for buckling analysis of single layer graphene sheet based on nonlocal elasticity theory /
, 397
1 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal A novel four variable refined plate theory for wave propagation in functionally graded material plates /
, 109
1 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Improved HSDT accounting for effect of thickness stretching in advanced composite plates /
, 61
4 |
Computers & concrete Vibration and instability analysis of pipes reinforced by SiO<SUB>2</SUB> nanoparticles considering agglomeration effects /
, 431
6 |
Geomechanics & engineering Novel quasi-3D and 2D shear deformation theories for bending and free vibration analysis of FGM plates /
, 519
3 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal Bending of FGM rectangular plates resting on non-uniform elastic foundations in thermal environment using an accurate theory /
, 311
3 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Free vibration of FGM plates with porosity by a shear deformation theory with four variables /
, 353
1 |
Geomechanics & engineering Free vibration and buckling analysis of orthotropic plates using a new two variable refined plate theory /
, 711
5 |
Computers & concrete Vibration and instability of nanocomposite pipes conveying fluid mixed by nanoparticles resting on viscoelastic foundation /
, 569
4 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal Mathematical modeling of smart nanoparticles-reinforced concrete foundations: Vibration analysis /
, 465
4 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal Nonlocal free vibration analysis of a doubly curved piezoelectric nano shell /
, 479
4 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Three dimensional finite elements modeling of FGM plate bending using UMAT /
, 487
5 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal A novel four-unknown quasi-3D shear deformation theory for functionally graded plates /
, 599
6 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A new quasi-3D higher shear deformation theory for vibration of functionally graded carbon nanotube-reinforced composite beams resting on elastic foundation /
, 771
1 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Dynamic stability of nanocomposite Mindlin pipes conveying pulsating fluid flow subjected to magnetic field /
, 21
1 |
Computers & concrete Technical and economical assessment of applying silica nanoparticles for construction of concrete structures /
, 117
1 |
Smart structures and systems Size-dependent free vibration and dynamic analyses of a sandwich microbeam based on higher-order sinusoidal shear deformation theory and strain gradient theory /
, 27
1 |
Smart structures and systems Eigenfrequencies of advanced composite plates using an efficient hybrid quasi-3D shear deformation theory /
, 121
3 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal Forced vibration response in nanocomposite cylindrical shells - Based on strain gradient beam theory /
, 381
3 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Single variable shear deformation model for bending analysis of thick beams /
, 291
3 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Numerical study for vibration response of concrete beams reinforced by nanoparticles /
, 311
4 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A new plate model for vibration response of advanced composite plates in thermal environment /
, 369
5 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Effect of homogenization models on stress analysis of functionally graded plates /
, 527
3 |
Earthquakes and structures Seismic analysis of AL<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> nanoparticles-reinforced concrete plates based on sinusoidal shear deformation theory /
, 285
3 |
Smart structures and systems A novel quasi-3D hyperbolic shear deformation theory for vibration analysis of simply supported functionally graded plates /
, 303
4 |
Wind & structures An analytical solution for free vibration of functionally graded beam using a simple first-order shear deformation theory /
, 247
3 |
Smart structures and systems Dynamic buckling of smart sandwich beam subjected to electric field based on hyperbolic piezoelasticity theory /
, 327
4 |
Earthquakes and structures Dynamic analysis of immersion concrete pipes in water subjected to earthquake load using mathematical methods /
, 361
4 |
Earthquakes and structures Analysis of wave propagation and free vibration of functionally graded porous material beam with a novel four variable refined theory /
, 369
4 |
Wind & structures A refined quasi-3D hybrid-type higher order shear deformation theory for bending and Free vibration analysis of advanced composites beams /
, 269
5 |
Smart structures and systems Size-dependent forced vibration response of embedded micro cylindrical shells reinforced with agglomerated CNTs using strain gradient theory /
, 527
5 |
Wind & structures Dynamic and bending analysis of carbon nanotube-reinforced composite plates with elastic foundation /
, 311
4 |
Advances in nano research A layerwise theory for buckling analysis of truncated conical shells reinforced by CNTs and carbon fibers integrated with piezoelectric layers in hygrothermal environment /
, 299
1 |
Wind & structures Dynamic investigation of porous functionally graded beam using a sinusoidal shear deformation theory /
, 19
1 |
Wind & structures Dynamic and wave propagation investigation of FGM plates with porosities using a four variable plate theory /
, 49
3 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A novel refined shear deformation theory for the buckling analysis of thick isotropic plates /
, 335
1 |
Advances in concrete construction Dynamic analysis of concrete column reinforced with Sio<SUB>2</SUB> nanoparticles subjected to blast load /
, 51
2 |
Earthquakes and structures Effect of the micromechanical models on the bending of FGM beam using a new hyperbolic shear deformation theory /
, 177
5 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Vibration response and wave propagation in FG plates resting on elastic foundations using HSDT /
, 511
2 |
Advances in nano research Thermal buckling analysis of SWBNNT on Winkler foundation by non local FSDT /
, 89
6 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal Free vibration of imperfect sigmoid and power law functionally graded beams /
, 603
None |
Nano hybrids and composites Free Vibration Analysis of Composite Material Plates "Case of a Typical Functionally Graded FG Plates Ceramic/Metal" with Porosities /
, 69
1 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Buckling behavior of rectangular plates under uniaxial and biaxial compression /
, 113
2 |
Mechanics of composite materials Assessing the Effects of Porosity on the Bending, Buckling, and Vibrations of Functionally Graded Beams Resting on an Elastic Foundation by Using a New Refined Quasi-3D Theory /
, 219
3 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A simple HSDT for bending, buckling and dynamic behavior of laminated composite plates /
, 325
3 |
Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science A novel first order refined shear-deformation beam theory for vibration and buckling analysis of continuously graded beams /
, 189
3 |
Advances in concrete construction Improved analytical method for adhesive stresses in plated beam: Effect of shear deformation /
, 151
3 |
Advances in nano research Dynamic analysis of nanosize FG rectangular plates based on simple nonlocal quasi 3D HSDT /
, 191
6 |
Materials research express Temperature dependent vibration analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates resting on Winkler/Pasternak/Kerr foundation /
, 065702
2 |
Geomechanics & engineering The effect of parameters of visco-Pasternak foundation on the bending and vibration properties of a thick FG plate /
, 161
5 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal Nonlinear bending of functionally graded porous nanobeam subjected to multiple physical load based on nonlocal strain gradient theory /
, 469
4 |
Computers & concrete Influences of porosity on dynamic response of FG plates resting on Winkler/Pasternak/Kerr foundation using quasi 3D HSDT /
, 347
5 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal A simple quasi-3D HSDT for the dynamics analysis of FG thick plate on elastic foundation /
, 503
9 |
Materials research express Post-buckling analysis of honeycomb core sandwich panels with geometrical imperfection and graphene reinforced nano-composite face sheets /
, 095017
5 |
Advances in nano research Vibration analysis of nonlocal porous nanobeams made of functionally graded material /
, 351
6 |
Advances in nano research The nano scale bending and dynamic properties of isolated protein microtubules based on modified strain gradient theory /
, 443
5 |
Earthquakes and structures Effect of nonlinear elastic foundations on dynamic behavior of FG plates using four-unknown plate theory /
, 447
5 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal Wave dispersion properties in imperfect sigmoid plates using various HSDTs /
, 699
5 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A new higher-order shear and normal deformation theory for the buckling analysis of new type of FGM sandwich plates /
, 653
6 |
Steel & Composite structures : an international journal Investigation of thermal buckling properties of ceramic-metal FGM sandwich plates using 2D integral plate model /
, 805
6 |
Wind & structures On the modeling of dynamic behavior of composite plates using a simple nth-HSDT /
, 371
None |
Procedia structural integrity A refined of trigonometric shear deformation plate theory based on neutral surface position is proposed for static analysis of FGM plate. /
, 129
2 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Buckling of carbon nanotube reinforced composite plates supported by Kerr foundation using Hamilton's energy principle /
, 209
2 |
Advances in nano research Mechanical buckling of FG-CNTs reinforced composite plate with parabolic distribution using Hamilton's energy principle /
, 135
2 |
Smart structures and systems A simple nth-order shear deformation theory for thermomechanical bending analysis of different configurations of FG sandwich plates /
, 197
7 |
Materials An Amplitude- and Temperature-Dependent Vibration Model of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Thin Plates in a Thermal Environment /
, 1590
4 |
Smart structures and systems Thermal flexural analysis of anti-symmetric cross-ply laminated plates using a four variable refined theory /
, 409
3 |
Coupled systems mechanics Mixture rule for studding the environmental pollution reduction in concrete structures containing nanoparticles /
, 281
2 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal A novel hyperbolic plate theory including stretching effect for free vibration analysis of advanced composite plates in thermal environments /
, 193
None |
Journal of nano research Free Vibration Analysis of Functionally Graded FG Nano-Plates with Porosities /
, 61
6 |
Smart structures and systems Bayesian in-situ parameter estimation of metallic plates using piezoelectric transducers /
, 735
1 |
Structural engineering and mechanics : An international journal Thermal frequency analysis of FG sandwich structure under variable temperature loading /
, 57
2 |
Aircraft engineering and aerospace technology Free vibration and buckling analysis of FGM plates using inverse trigonometric shear deformation theory /
, 298
None |
Composite structures State of the art in functionally graded materials /
, 113596