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Shear behaviour of lightweight aggregate concrete beams using palm-oil by-products as coarse aggregate  

Shafigh, Payam (Centre for Building, Construction & Tropical Architecture (BuCTA), Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya)
Aslam, Muhammad (Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering & Technology, Institute of Southern Punjab)
Yap, Soon Poh (Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya)
Publication Information
Structural Engineering and Mechanics / v.79, no.2, 2021 , pp. 141-155 More about this Journal
One of the main concerns of engineers to design a structural member using structural lightweight concrete is the shear performance of this concrete due to its lower tensile strength. This research presents an experimental investigation on the shear behaviour of reinforced palm-oil by-product lightweight concrete beams without shear links. The used by-products are wastes from oil palm industry i.e., oil palm shell (OPS) and oil-palm-boiler clinker (OPBC). They used as coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture while normal sand was used as fine aggregate. Nine reinforced OPS and OPS-OPBC lightweight concrete beams were prepared and their structural performance in terms of shear behaviour have been investigated. Three sets of the lightweight aggregate concretes with the maximum oven dry density less than 2000 kg/m3 were designed and each set contained three concrete mixes of grades 25, 35, and 45. The results of this study show that the OPS concrete beams have lower ultimate capacity in comparison with blended coarse aggregates (OPS-OPBC) concrete beams. The contribution of OPBC aggregate in the OPS concrete improved the structural performance and the failure nature of the beams, significantly. It was found that from the existing prediction models for estimating shear capacity of concrete beams, the shear capacity can be predicted about 10% underestimate and up to 60% overestimate.
by-products; lightweight aggregate concrete; oil-palm-boiler clinker; oil palm shell; shear behaviour;
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