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A Comparative Study of the Curriculum Based on NCS with ABEEK  

Min, Dong-Kyun (School of Mechatronics Engineering, Korea University of Technology & Education)
Oh, Chang-Heon (School of Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Korea University of Technology & Education)
Kang, Seung-Chan (School of Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Korea University of Technology & Education)
Om, Ki-yong (School of Industrial Management, Korea University of Technology & Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Engineering Education Research / v.18, no.6, 2015 , pp. 32-37 More about this Journal
Since ABEEK ("Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea") began its accreditation in 2001, the 595 programs in 100 institutions have been accredited, and now the number of accredited programs is continuously increasing. On the other hand, NCS ("National Competency Standards") which is directed by government, has been also introduced in recent years, and it becomes the center of attentions of many universities in Korea. Each of these 2 systems has its own strengths and weaknesses, even though their main purposes are very similar. This paper deals with the comparison between the curriculum based on NCS with ABEEK. And also, the examples of making the curriculum based on the NCS would be introduced. At the conclusion, some suggestions for the new NCS system would be proposed.
National Competency Standards (NCS); Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea; (ABEEK); Learning Outcomes; Curriculum;
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  • Reference
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