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A Case Study on the Design and Operation of Blended Learning in Engineering College Instrucrion - Focus on Class Operation of C University -  

Kim, Mi-Young (Chungnam Nat'l Univ.)
Choi, Won-Sik (Chungnam Nat'l Univ.)
Publication Information
Journal of Engineering Education Research / v.9, no.3, 2006 , pp. 37-48 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to investigate the response and the recognition of students of blended learning. Set up the following study problem in order to achieve a study purpose. How are a response and a recognition of learner about blended learning? To study, Designed blended learning environment, and analyzed a bulletin board and a log file, and made up a question for 15 weeks after proceeding a class in order to recognition and response about the results operating blended learning. The results as follows: First, A lot of students prefer education in blended learning environment, and participate positively in activity in on-line activity. Second, When study in blended learning environment about media be prudent must select. Third, Confirmed the fact that various role of Instructor needed. Therefore, the design and operation of blended learning, which mixes traditional teaching methods and a modern on-line method, is meaningful.
Blended learning;
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  • Reference
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