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Case Studies and Future Direction in Systems Engineering Educational Program  

Lee, Jae-Ryul (3rd Development Center, Agency for Defense Development)
Park, Young-Won (Department of Systems Engineering, Ajou University)
Publication Information
Journal of Engineering Education Research / v.9, no.2, 2006 , pp. 52-70 More about this Journal
Systems Engineering(SE), as a special discipline evolved from multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary design knowledges and practical lessons learned from development practices, is required to develop today's ever-growing large complex systems. As computer speed and analytic sophistication accelerate their applications, modern society's needs have become increasingly varied and complex. Rapid advances in Systems Engineering and its education programs among the developed countries demonstrate their needs as an alternative to what is lacking from traditional disciplinary engineering to meet new challenges of our changing social environments. Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary approach that includes both management and technical processes. Its processes, methods, and tools are used to evolve, define, and verify an integrated, life-cycle balanced set of system solution that satisfy customer needs and requirements. The process methodology offers a top-down comprehensive, iterative and recursive problem solving process which includes the stating the problems, investigating the alternatives, architecting and modeling the system, integrating and operating the system, assessing and re-evaluating the system performances. The purpose of this paper is to research the cases of SE educational programs for both domestic and other developed countries and to propose recommendations for the domestic SE educational programs in the future.
Systems Engineering; Multidisciplinary Education Program; Engineering Education;
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