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Development of Highly Interactive Web-based Contents for Electrical Machiness  

Ho Won (Division of Information & Communication Engineering, Kongju National University)
Jeong Kwang-Young (Division of Mechanical Engineering, Kongju National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Engineering Education Research / v.6, no.2, 2003 , pp. 30-37 More about this Journal
This paper presents web-based contents for studying electrical machines using Java Bean and Flash. The component-based software development techniques have been used to develop Java Bean and Flash components which are simple and convenient for learners. The components have been used to make 61 contents for the electrical machines. The contents have highly interactive capability, which gives much interest to learners. The learners can easily understand the electro-mechanical concept by changing the parameters interactively. The class load of the lecture can be reduced because the basic explanation of the subject is replaced by the web contents. The better quality of the class is expected by dealing with the higher concept in the classroom lecture because the basic concepts are explained through the contents.
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  • Reference
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