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The Influence of Insecure Adult Attachment on Stress Coping Strategies Through Emotional Clarity of University Students  

Jaewook Park (Department of Youth Education and Leadership, Myongji University)
Eunkyoung Lea (Department of Youth Education and Leadership, Myongji University)
Publication Information
The Korean Journal of Coaching Psychology / v.6, no.2, 2022 , pp. 27-43 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study was aim to explore the mediating effect of emotional clarity in the relation between insecure adult attachment and stress coping strategies of university students. 420 university students in Seoul and Gyeonggi area participated in the survey which was composed of adult attachment scale, emotional clarity scale, and stress coping strategies scale, and total 401 data (182 men and 219 women) were used in the analysis. This study has a significance in that it showed the need of intervention on emotional clarity by discovering psychological processes when people who have strong insecure adult attachment tendency cope with stress situations. That is, the emotion coaching will be more effective when emotional clarity is dealt with together as well as stress coping strategies.
insecure adult attachment; attachment anxiety; attachment avoidance; stress coping strategies; emotional clarity; emotions coaching;
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