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A Study on the Changes in the urban structure of Pyongyang-Bu and the characteristics of Pyeong-an Gamyeong in the late Joseon Dynasty  

Hong, Soek-Joo (서일대학교 건축공학과)
Kim, Bue-Dyel (서울시립대학교 박물관)
Publication Information
Journal of architectural history / v.30, no.6, 2021 , pp. 45-58 More about this Journal
This study aims to examine the changes in Pyongyang-bu during the late Joseon period and Pyeong-an Gamyeong through gazetteer, pictiroal maps and various literature. The results are as follows. To begin with, unlike other gamyeong, Pyongyang-bu had an exclusive government office facility from the beginning and had a different status because of the route for envoys from Ming. Therefore historical sites related to Gija were important. Second, the importance of Pyongyang city-wall increased even more through the Japanese Hideyoshi invasions in 1592 and the Manchu Invasion in 1636. However, since the post-war restoration was insufficient they focused on defense reducing the size of Pyongyang city wall. Third, as society stabilized, Pyongyangbu's finances were greatly secured. King Sukjong systematically reorganized Pyongyang city wall and facility of Pyongy-an gamyeong. The nothern wall in located high place, Gamyeong and storage in middle height and military force and guesthouse in the center of Pyongyang-bu. I-a and warehouse facilities in the far south were placed around the Daedonggwan. The urban structure that runs from Daedonggwan to Daedongmun was the same as other city. Another pertinent point is Pyeong-an gamyeong had more military facilities and rear garden and pavilion than before. In clunclusion, Pyeong-an gamyeong did not pass through three gates, but only through two gates. And it was characterized by more various space and having more pavilions than other gamyeong.
Pyongyang-Bu; Pyongy-an Gamyeong; Daedonggwan; Seonhwa-dang; Ohsoon-jeong;
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  • Reference
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