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A Study on the Urban & Architecture that were Described in Utopian Literature of Renaissance Period  

Lee, Yil-Hyung (Soonchunhyang University)
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Journal of architectural history / v.19, no.6, 2010 , pp. 79-98 More about this Journal
If we take account of the 'Architectural Tradition' which aims a construction of better environment, we can see that this tradition has ended historically toward Utopia. And the concrete concepts of utopia mainly started on the Renaissance periods. The Utopias were described well in the literatures which contained particularly three representative utopian books in Renaissance period. The one was the most famous novel by Sir Thomas More and the other were by Tommaso Campanella and by Francis Bacon. These novels expressed ideal commonwealths in which inhabitants exist under perfect conditions, ideally perfect places or state of things. The plans of utopia are complete projects of image, its goal is an political, social and economical improvement according to the eras. Their utopias mostly had characteristics as follows; their shape of islands were almost circle, their shape of cities were rectangularity or circle and attached importance to geometrical compositions, their structure of cities were self-sufficiency in closed spaces and their architectural characteristics were uniformity, simplicity and non-ornament. And these architectural characteristics are urban and architectural traditions in communist countries. Also their utopian novels had not much explanations to daily lives of people like as birth, death, relative, mental conflict or authority, money, art. So their utopian novels were not practical and had inappropriate aspects.
Three Representative Uopian Lteratures in Renaissance Period; Urban and Architectural Characteristics in the Utopia;
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  • Reference
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