A Study on the Intelligent Electronic Device for Non-Linear Loads |
(오산대학 전기시스템제어과)
김병진 (현대중공업 기전연구소) 김수곤 (숭실대학교 전기공학과 대학원) 전희종 (숭실대학교 전기공학과) |
1 |
A Quantum leap into the IED age
2 |
Average Power estimation Under Nonsinusidal Conditions
3 |
Innovative Substation Design -The Bay Controller Concept
4 |
Harmonic Measurement System via Sync Measuretent
5 |
New Algorithm for Measuring 50/60Hz AC Values Based on the Usage of slow AD Converters
6 |
Effect of Waveform Distortion On Protective Relays
7 |
Design of Low-Cost and High-throughput Linear Arrays for DFT Computation Algorithms, and Implementations
8 |
Digital Power Metering Manifold
9 |
Active Power Measurement in Nonsinsoidal Environments