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Description of a new species of the genus Venturia Schrottky (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Campopleginae) from South Korea  

Choi, Jin-Kyung (Department of Science Education, Daegu National University of Education)
Publication Information
Journal of Species Research / v.11, no.2, 2022 , pp. 128-131 More about this Journal
A new species, Venturia tenuiabdominalis Choi sp. nov., belonging to the subfamily Campopleginae, family Ichneumonidae, is described in South Korea. The subfamily Campopleginae was recorded by Forster in 1869 based on genus Campoplex and more than 2,100 described species into 66 genera have been reported worldwide. Among the 66 genera of Campopleginae, the genus Venturia is one of the large groups, which is more than 140 species worldwide (Yu et al., 2016; Vas, 2019a; 2019b; Vas, 2020; Vas and Di Giovanni, 2020; Han et al., 2021). A taxonomic study of South Korean Venturia was initiated by Choi et al. (2012), who reported Venturia longipropodeum (Uchida, 1942). A key to species of South Korean Venturia, description of new species and diagnostic illustrations are provided.
koinobiont; parasitoids; taxonomy; Venturia tenuiabdominalis sp. nov.;
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  • Reference
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