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New records of 24 ciliate species (Protozoa, Ciliophora) collected in South Korea  

Kim, Ji Hye (Natural Science Research Institute, Gangneung-Wonju National University)
Moon, Ji Hye (Department of Biology, Gangneung-Wonju National University)
Jung, Jae-Ho (Department of Biology, Gangneung-Wonju National University)
Publication Information
Journal of Species Research / v.7, no.4, 2018 , pp. 291-314 More about this Journal
We collected ciliates from terrestrial and aquatic habitats in Korea. Morphology was examined based on observations of both living and stained specimens. As a result of the observations, we found 24 previously unrecorded ciliate species to Korea. The morphology of these species are briefly described here: Tracheloraphis dracontoides, Condylostoma arenarium, Aspidisca steini, Australocirrus aspoecki, Sterkiella tricirrata, Stylonychia lemnae, Wallackia bujoreani, Bakuella marina, Anteholosticha sigmoidea, Holosticha pullaster, Urostyla grandis grandis, Chaenea vorax, Enchelys gasterosteus, Phialina salinarum, Mesodinium pulex, Aegyria oliva, Bryometopus pseudochilodon, Pinacocoleps tesselatus, Urozona buetschlii, Colpidium colpoda, Campanella umbellaria, Pseudovorticella difficilis, Zoothamnium parahiketes and Z. plumula. Among these 24 ciliates, S. tricirrata and U. grandis grandis were studied based on both the morphology and the morphogenesis.
infraciliature; protargol impregnation; redescription; taxonomy;
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  • Reference
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