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Taxonomic notes on the genus Alsidium C. Agardh, including the merging of Bryothamnion Kützing (Rhodomelaceae)  

Garcia-Soto, Gabriela (Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Alabama)
Lopez-Bautista, Juan (Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Alabama)
Publication Information
ALGAE / v.33, no.3, 2018 , pp. 215-229 More about this Journal
In this study, the phylogenetic relationships among the genera Alsidium C. Agardh and Bryothamnion $K{\ddot{u}}tzing$ were investigated. Phylogenetic analyses using the plastid-encoded markers rbcL, psbA, and the mitochondrial barcode region (COI-5P) resolved a well-supported clade that included the species Alsidium corallinum, Bryothamnion seaforthii, and B. triquetrum. Our results indicated that taxonomic recognition of the genus Bryothamnion is not supported and two species of Bryothamnion are reallocated to Alsidium. A reexamination of the morphological definition of Alsidium is provided with an updated diagnosis of the genus and a morphology-based comparison of species that are currently circumscribed under this generic name. Furthermore, we reviewed morphological differences and similarities between Alsidium and the genus Digenea, both belonging to the tribe Alsidieae, discussing the most relevant morphological characters.
Alsidium; Bryothamnion; Digenea; phylogenetic inference; psbA; rbcL; taxonomy;
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