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Morphological and molecular identification of Alaria paradisea (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales) from the Kurile Islands  

Klimova, Anna V. (Kamchatka State Technical University)
Klochkova, Nina G. (Kamchatka State Technical University)
Klochkova, Tatyana A. (Kamchatka State Technical University)
Kim, Gwang Hoon (Department of Biology, Kongju National University)
Publication Information
ALGAE / v.33, no.1, 2018 , pp. 37-48 More about this Journal
Alaria is the second largest genus of the Laminariales, which is distributed far into the northern Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Due to its high morphological plasticity, over 100 specific and sub-specific names have been used in Alaria, this has been tailored down to the present 17 species through morphological revision and molecular phylogenetic analysis. Endemic species of Alaria from Russian Far East have not been thoroughly revised since their original description, and few of them were confirmed using molecular data until recently. We carried out morphological and molecular studies on A. paradisea which is an endemic species distributed on the Kurile Islands, first described by Miyabe and Nagai in 1932 as Pleuropterum paradiseum. The range of morphological variability and its distribution was re-evaluated using the type specimen as well as other specimens. Analyses of partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and nuclear-encoded internal transcribed spacer sequences showed that A. paradisea nested within the genus Alaria, but differs morphologically from any other Alaria species in having additional sporophylls with a central midrib (${\beta}-sporophylls$). Our results showed that A. paradisea clearly belongs to the genus Alaria based on DNA data, although the key morphological character that was used to include this species to the genus Pleuropterum, ${\beta}-sporophylls$, is stable and distinguishes it from other Alaria species.
Alaria paradisea; brown algae; endemic kelp; Kurile Islands; molecular phylogeny; morphology; Pleuropterum paradiseum;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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