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Analysis of the Causes of Clustered Scismicity Registered in Yeoncheon, the Middle Part of the Korean Peninsula through Gravity Field Interpretation and Modeling  

Sungchan Choi (Geo-information Institute, GI Co. Ltd.)
Sung-Wook Kim (Geo-information Institute, GI Co. Ltd.)
Eun-Kyeong Choi (Geo-information Institute, GI Co. Ltd.)
Younghong Shin (Active Tectonics Research Center, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Tae-Kyung Hong (Department of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University)
Publication Information
Economic and Environmental Geology / v.55, no.6, 2022 , pp. 633-648 More about this Journal
Gravity data were analyzed to identify the cause of clustered seismicity that occurred intensively in Yeoncheon, located in the central part of the Korean Peninsula. Our analysis suggests that the En echelon faults developed in the northwest-southeast direction. In addition, in the eastern part of the Dongducheon Fault, it was interpreted that high-density lower bedrock intermittently lifts close to the surface due to vertical tectonic movement accompanied by a flower structure. The fracture zone of the Dongducheon Fault is estimated that the width is about 200 m, the depth is at least 5 km, and the density is about 15% lower than the adjacent rocks. It is analyzed that the shallow earthquakes that occurred within 5 km depth was concentrated along the low-density En echelon fault fracture zone developed between the high-density rocks intruding close to the surface. Therefore, the earthquakes can be interpreted as the result that the north-south stress caused by the dextral tectonic movement of the Dongducheon Fault activated the En echelon fault in the northwest-southeast direction.
clustered seismicity; Bouguer anomalies; curvature analysis; Dongducheon Fault; En echelon fault;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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