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Geological Significance of Liquefaction and Soft-sediment Deformation Structures  

Ghim, Yong Sik (Geology Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Ko, Kyoungtae (Geology Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Publication Information
Economic and Environmental Geology / v.52, no.5, 2019 , pp. 471-484 More about this Journal
Liquefaction occurs by a temporal loss of sediment strength as a consequence of increased pore water pressure during the re-arrangement of unconsolidated, granular sediments. Liquefaction is dependent on the physical properties of the sediments and cause surface cracks, landslide, and the formation of soft-sediment deformation structures(SSDS). SSDS is formed by the combined action of the driving force and deformation mechanism(liquefaction, thixotropy, and fluidization) that is triggered by endogenic or exogenic triggers. So research on the SSDS can unravel syndepositional geological events. If detailed sedimentologic analysis together with surrounding geological context suggest SSDS formed by earthquakes, the SSDS provide a clue to unravel syndepositional tectonic activities and detailed paleoseismological information(> Mw 5) including earthquakes that leave no surface expression.
Liquefaction; soft-sediment deformation structures; fluidization; earthquake; paleoseismology;
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