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Synthesis and Characterization of Polyphase Waste Form to Immobilize High Level Radioactive Wastes  

Chae Soo-Chun (Minerals and Materials Processing Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Jang Young-Nam (Minerals and Materials Processing Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Bae In-Kook (Minerals and Materials Processing Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Ryu Kyung-Won (Department of Earth and Environment Science, Chungbuk National University)
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Economic and Environmental Geology / v.39, no.2, 2006 , pp. 173-180 More about this Journal
The synthesis of polyphase waste form, which is an immobilization matrix fur the high level radioactive wastes, was performed with the mixed composition of garnet and spinel $(Gd_3Fe_5O_{12}+(Ni_xMn_{1-x})(Fe_yCr_{1-y})_2O_4)$ in the range of 1200 to $1400^{\circ}C$. The phases synthesized from all stoichiometric compositions were garnet, perovskite, and spinel. Especially, garnet was synthesized only in the composition of the highest content of Fe(y=0.9), whereas it was not synthesized in other compositions. This result indicated that the content of Fe was closely related to the formation of garnet. The composition of garnet revealed that the content of Gd was exceeded and that of Fe was depleted. Preferential distribution of elements in the phases can be attributed to the nonstoichiometric composition of garnet.
immobilization; waste form; SYNROC; radionuclide; sintering;
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