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A Consideration of the Expected Service Life Cycles of Electrical Equipments in Buildings  

Jung, Jong-Wook (한국전기안전공사)
Kim, Sun-Gu (한국전기안전공사)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers / v.24, no.12, 2010 , pp. 131-137 More about this Journal
This paper considers and suggests the life cycle of the power equipments installed in buildings. The target equipments were divided into 5 groups by a couple of conditions, and a theoretical consideration and domestic foreign case studies were carried out. As a result, the most appropriate life cycles and monitoring periods were suggested for each group. The suggested results are expected to practically help the field electricians determine whether they have to replace the deteriorated equipments or not.
Deteriorated Power Equipments; Domestic.Foreign Case Studies; Life Cycles;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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