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Noise Evaluation Algorithm for Applying Complex Denoising Technique in On-line Partial Discharge Diagnosis System for Power Apparatus  

Yi, Sang-Hwa (한국전기연구원 산업전기연구본부 전력기기연구센터)
Youn, Young-Woo (한국전기연구원 산업전기연구본부 전력기기연구센터)
Choo, Young-Bae (거제대학 선박기술계열)
Kang, Dong-Sik (한국전기연구원 전력기기연구센터)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers / v.23, no.2, 2009 , pp. 70-76 More about this Journal
This paper introduces an evaluation code, which can numerically express the noise possessing degree of signals. By using this code, the best kind and setting of noise suppressing techniques can be chosen automatically. This code is applied to three kinds of specific denoising techniques; those are simple noise removing method in the count versus phase distribution, fuzzy logic method based on noise type in magnitude versus phase plot, and lastly, the technique using grouping characteristics of PD pulses in 3D plot of magnitude versus phase versus cycle. The algorithm shows good performance in the various real PD signals measured from various high voltage apparatuses in Korea.
Noise; Partial Discharges; Software;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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