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A Study on the Actual Operating Conditions of Guard Lamps and its Maintenance Problems  

Jung, Jong-Wook (한국전기안전공사 전기안전연구원)
Jung, Jin-Soo (한국전기안전공사 전기안전연구원 설비안전연구그룹)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers / v.22, no.8, 2008 , pp. 89-95 More about this Journal
This paper describes the checking results and some problems of guard lamps installed in the field. The guard lamp providing night security for people is installed outdoors and exposed to the natural factors causing secular ageing and the people's vandalism, etc., thus it is prone to get troubles in function. In fact, the guard lamps has been left without considering the fundamental measures in the legislative system in spite of the loss of lives due to the electric shock accidents repetitively taking place every year. This study arouses people's attention to the risk due to the lack of management and maintenance of the guard lamp by investigating the recent technology and the actual operating conditions and some problems and countermeasures were ultimately deduced. In this process, we reflected on the various opinions through fieldwork and had a couple of consultations with field staffs, manufacturers concerned and active officers with local autonomous entities.
Guard lamp; Night security; Secular ageing; Vandalism; Electric shock;
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  • Reference
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5 Guard Lamp Blog[On-Line]. Available: http://blog.naver. com/f16cd?Redirect=Log&log No=150005459351
6 J.W. Jung et al., A Scheme of Safety Management for a Wireless Switching-type Guard Lamp Installed High, KESCO, pp.36-42, 2007. 12
7 H.D. Ryu, 'Construction of 'On-Line Management System for Guard Lamps' of North District Office in Ulsan City', Electimes, 2006. 2. 13.
8 I.K. Hwang, 'Development of 'Automation System for Guard Lamp Malfunction Management' of West District Office in Incheon City', Electimes, 2006. 2. 13