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Characteristic analysis of the current type high frequency resonant DC - DC converter  

황계호 (영남대학교 전기공학과)
남승식 (경일대학교 전기공학과)
김동희 (영남대 공대 전자ㆍ정보공학과)
심광열 (울산과학대학 전기전자학부)
안항목 (안양과학대학 전기ㆍ전자ㆍ통신학부)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers / v.17, no.1, 2003 , pp. 86-93 More about this Journal
This paper describes that the resonant tank type DC-DC converter consist of reactor and capacitor resonant tank circuit for increased the output current. This circuit configuration is composed of the resonant tank circuit used resonant capacitor and reactor and the capacitor connected in switch are a common using by resonance capacitor and ZVS(Zero Voltage Switching) capacitor. Therefore, the proposed converter can reduce a switching losses, noise, and voltage stress at turn-on and turn-on and has an advantage which is able to operating safely in load short, because DC reactor is connected with resonance reactor in order to supply a fixed current with low ripple from DC power supply. The analysis of proposed circuit uses normalized parameters and characteristic estimation is generally described the proposed circuit with the characteristics of power and output voltage etc. Also, design is based on the characteristic estmations in each step. Hence, We conform a rightfulness theoretical analysis by comparing a theoretical values and experimental values obtained from experiment.
Zero Voltage Switching; normalized parameter; resonant tank type; DC-DC converter;
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  • Reference
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