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Reconsideration on the Importation Pathway of Ancient Korean Rice(Oryzar sativar L.)  

Park, Tae-Shik (National Institute of Crop Science)
Publication Information
KOREAN JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE / v.54, no.1, 2009 , pp. 119-123 More about this Journal
Importation pathway of rice cultivar into Korea was re-established with considering ancient geo-ecological characteristics of the Sororibyeo excavated from Cheongwon. It is assumed that Sororibyeo settled down in Korea by the importation pathway along the southern seashore of China through old downstream of Geumgang by a southern Korean human race when China and Korea were not yet separated each other by the Yellow Sea. This importation pathway was designated as "Old Geumgang-Sorori Rice Road", in this study. It is further inferred that Korean Peninsula was geographically isolated by ocean after the Ice Age. In consequence, Gawajibyeo, an ancient rice with little genetic variation, was evolved from Sororibyeo, which is estimated to evolve into rice cultivar in Korean Peninsula.
importation pathway; ancient geo-ecological; sororibyeo; Korean Peninsula; Old Geumgang-Sorori Rice Road; rice;
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