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Silicene on Other Two-dimensional Materials: Formation of Heterostructure  

Kim, Jung Hwa (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) and Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials, Institute for Basic Science (IBS))
Lee, Zonghoon (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) and Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials, Institute for Basic Science (IBS))
Publication Information
Applied Microscopy / v.44, no.4, 2014 , pp. 123-132 More about this Journal
Silicene is one of the most interesting two-dimensional materials, because of not only the extraordinary properties similar to graphene, but also easy compatibility with existing silicon-based devices. However, non-existing graphitic-like structure on silicon and unstable free-standing silicene structure leads to difficulty in commercialization of this material. Therefore, substrates are essential for silicene, which affects various properties of silicene and supporting unstable structure. For maintaining outstanding properties of silicene, van der Waals bonding between silicene and substrate is essential because strong interaction, such as silicene with metal, breaks the band structure of silicene. Therefore, we review the stability of silicene on other two-dimensional materials for van der Waals bonding. In addition, the properties of silicene are reviewed for silicene-based heterostructure.
Silicene; Two-dimensional materials; Heterostructure; Band gap; van der Waals;
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