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A Method to Determine the Wavelength of Electron Beam from LACBED Pattern  

Kim, Hwang-Su (Department of Physics, Kyungsung University)
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Applied Microscopy / v.33, no.3, 2003 , pp. 179-185 More about this Journal
The operating accelerating voltage in the electron microscopy may differ from the nominal voltage specified by the manufacture. Thus it is necessary, at least once, to determine the wavelength of electron beam for the nominal accelerating voltage. Particularly in QCBED technique, the wavelength of the incident electron beam on a specimen must be determined as accurately as possible. In this paper we present a simple method to determine accurately the wavelength of electrons from LACBED patterns of a known crystalline materials, which is analogous to a method based on Kikuchi patterns reported previously. This method is to utilize three diffraction lines not belonging to the same zone, which nearly intersect at the same point. For an application of the method, the wavelength of electrons for the 200 kv nominal acceleration voltage of JEM2010 is determined to be 0.002496(3) nm ($201.5{\pm}0.4$ kv) with an uncertainty of 0.12%.
Electron wavelength; LACBED; QCBED;
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