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Calculation of the Yield of Bank Filtration by Using the Horizontal Collector Wells  

Chung Ji-hoon (Construction Technology & Research Center, hie University)
Park Jae-hyeon (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Inje University)
Park Chang-kun (Dept. of Civil Engineering Kwandong University)
Yang Jung-suk (Construction Technology & Research Center, hie University)
Kim Dae-kun (Dept. of Civil&Environmental Engineering, Daebul University)
Jeong Kyo-cheol (Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Andong National University)
Choi Youg-sun (Dept. of Systems Management Engineering, Inje University)
Bu Sung-an (Rural Research Institute in Korea Agricultural & Rural Infrastructure Corporation)
Publication Information
The Journal of Engineering Geology / v.14, no.4, 2004 , pp. 417-427 More about this Journal
The horizontal collector well is used to treat some weak points of the vertical well in the bank filtration site. In this study two empirical formulas(Milojevic and Petrovic) are selected to examine the applicability for calculating the yield of the horizontal collector. And they are compared with the compute simulation results for multiple wells. Milojevic empirical formula which considers the conditions such as aquifer, well location, the diameter of screen etc. is more applicable than Petrovic formula. Draw-down characteristics of horizontal collector was well simulated by using the computer simulation for multiple wells. The results are well agreement with Milojevic formula, and the draw-down and the retention time of the horizontal collector can be controlled by adjusting the angle of lateral screens.
River Bank Filtration; Horizontal Collector Well; Yield; Retention Time;
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  • Reference
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